Most folks are pretty nervous with the thought of having a colonic treatment, which is natural. However, all initial inhibitions you had are lost after seeing and feeling the benefits you receive when addressing years of accumulation. You will be amazed at what your body can hold on to and how feeling great can really be as simple as relieving your colon of your body’s waste.

Our trained and certified therapists have a known reputation for their ability to bring our clients to ease providing a calming and gentle experience, and through years of practice have a wealth of knowledge to offer. Rest assured you are in good hands.
With this type of colonic treatment the therapist will be with you during the entire time of your session. She’ll be maintaining water temperature and water flow, and ensuring you, the client, are comfortable and relaxed as much as possible. She’ll also apply light abdominal massage and encourage deep breathing for optimum results.
When coming in for your appointment come to our office empty bellied. A full stomach may cause a more uncomfortable treatment. -Have no food or fluids two hours prior to your appointment- And for greater results plan a diet that is wholesome, unprocessed, and hydrating the days leading up to your scheduled treatment- We can’t stress enough the importance of staying well hydrated.
After your treatment with us plan to carry on with your day as usual. Additional treatments may be necessary depending on each persons situation. Your therapist will discuss with you what your goals are and create a plan that best suits your current needs after your initial treatment.
If you have any reservations, please don’t hesitate to call. We are always happy to help and answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are confident you won’t be disappointed with your experience with us!